Retreat Calendar: Introductory

This retreat is suitable for those new to meditation and Buddhism as practised within the Triratna Buddhist Community.

We classify our retreats into different types in order to help you choose a retreat appropriate to your interests and level of experience of meditation and Buddhism as practised within the Triratna Buddhist Community. Find out more about retreat types.

Introductory Weekend to Buddhist Meditation (August)
9th Aug - 11th Aug 2024

Retreat Full

- Waiting list available

Yoga & Meditation Long Weekend (with Satyamati)
23rd Aug - 26th Aug 2024
Satyamati and Shuddhadhara
Retreat Full

- Waiting list available

The Calling: Mid-Winter Weekend Retreat
13th Dec - 15th Dec 2024
Singhashri and Balajit
Retreat Full

- Waiting list available