
Create New Lift Offer/Request

Create Lift

If you have booked on a Rivendell retreat you can use this page to offer or request a lift. Not only does this help reduce transport costs, lower carbon emissions and free up our car park, it's also a great way to spend time with another retreatant!

Lifts Offered/Requested


Lift Type: offer

Event: Women's Regional Order Weekend (Feb.) (Starts: Fri 31 Jan 2025)

I’ve booked a flexibus rode from Buxted train station Friday 31st pick  up at 18.20 to Rivendell.

i’ve booked a flexibus from Rivendell to Buxted train station Saturday 1st 18.15pm


Date Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 10:00

lesley wilson

Lift Type: request

Event: Following the White Deer (Starts: Fri 7 Mar 2025)

Heĺlo to all, I am intending to travel from Oxford by public transport for the Following the White Deer retreat and would be grateful for a lift, sharing costs and conversation. Either from Oxford or London to reach the centre.

Thank you


Date Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 06:31

Camille Ford

Lift Type: request

Event: Yoga & Meditation Long Weekend (with Manjunaga) (Starts: Fri 23 May 2025)


I’m coming from SE9 and would love to share a lift if anyone is nearby? Happy to contribute to petrol. 

Alternatively I will get the train. Could anyone please pick me up (and drop me back) from one of the local train stations Buxted or Uckfield? That would be super helpful thank you.  - Kind regards Camille. 

Date Posted: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 - 09:01